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About The Form.Gallery

Visiting The FORM.GALLERY:
You will find The Form.Gallery at Nesttun in Bergen, Norway, next door to the "
Amfi" shopping centre.

Adress: Oestre Nesttunv. 12, 5221 Nesttun.

You reach the Form.Gallery either by going by the "Bybanen" tram to Nesttun. There are two stops at Nesttun, end the gallery is located between these two stops, but at the opposite side of the building,

down by the parking area.

The Form.Gallery are open whenever I am present and have the time to open the Gallery.
You can also call at the eventually locked door.
I will always welcome You, whenever I am here.
I work daily at the Gallery if I am not out for exhibitions and so on, so most of the time, we are present
to welcome You!


Our facilities (except for toilet facilities) – give us the opportunity to also warmly welcome

wheelchair users as well. Easy access directly from the spacious parking lot.


Of course, It is free to visit us, and we always offer free coffee and directly imported
Taiwanese tea to our guests,


Form.Gallery logo.png


The Form.Gallery

was established in 2013 by the owner,
Norwegian Artist TA, Trygve Amundsen.

Basically The Gallery show contemporary art from the artist TA,
but in periods we also present a different guest artist
by some samples.


The Form.Gallery has recently moved to this location
from a close by area.



Link:  At The Form.Gallery



Jeg arbeider stort sett daglig i mitt ateliér ved Form.Gallery, og tar veldig gjerne imot besøk om du vil komme og
hilser på.
Sjekk åpningstider her på, evt. send melding eller ring og sjekk at jeg er på plass.

© Form.Gallery, •  Østre Nesttunv.12, N-5221 Nesttun, Bergen, Norway 

Phone: +47 976 090 88  •  All Rights Reserved  • I take no responsibility for any errors or statements incl. the Blog.

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