Billedkunster Trygve Amundsen (Artist TA)
er utnevnt som norsk Ambassadør
for Tsai-Mo Kunstutstillinger som arrangeres
hver høst i Taichung City, Taiwan.
Utstillingene arrangeres i regi av byen Taichung, og er således en offentlig utstilling – ikke salgsutstilling.
Utstillingene har internasjonal deltagelse,og man ønsker ytterligere deltagere velkommen – også fra Norge.
Medievalget er bundet, man oppfordres til å male på 100% silke. Vanlig lerret blir ikke akseptert.
For hver utstilling får man tilsendt silke i korrekt format. Det gis et felles emne, som gjerne forholder seg til natur, dyr, fisk osv. Man står fritt til tolkning av oppgaven innenfor emnet. Utstillingen holder en god standard, og er ganske populær i Taiwan.
Jeg har deltatt i 4 år, og opplever både gjestfriheten, kvaliteten på arrangementet og profesjonaliteten
som helt enestående.
Artist TA
Trygve Amundsen
Trygve Amundsen
Artist TA
Slide show only show a part of the artwork, please klick the picture to se it in full
About Artist TA:
During his relatively short career as a contemporary artist, this Internationally renowned painter
has been honered many times over by being accepted into the Chinese University of Art in Bejing,
and with Gallery presentations and shows thoughout the continental US, Asia and Europe,
and recently a place in the finals at internationally renowned "Art Revolution Taipei 2019"
competition of more than 4,200 partisipants. ( More about Artist TA here)
TA"s main focus is still to nurture the art of being creative, and it is very infectious!
Unlike so many other internationally respected artists, TA is easily approachable and loves to teach.
Working in his hometown of Bergen, Norway, visitors at his Form.Gallery get a unique perspective of how his artwork is created and even an opportunity to create your own with the help of the artist himself though his individual and group classes.
International Art Exhibition
Through the latest 4 years, I have participa-ted at The Tsai-Mo International Exhibition in Taichung City, Taiwan. This is an exhibition with more than 100 exhibiting artists, and I see it as a great honour when the pick my art as a part of the illustrations on the front cover of the yearly exhibition book. (Picture hereunder). My artwork shown at the Right.
Painting on pure silk is very challenging, and to be compared to asian artists who can look back at centuries of experience and culture. But, I love it, and feel like I'm getting better all the time.
Artist TA – Ambassador for Norway:
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