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Artist TAJuly2016_16.jpg



Born 1953, in Bergen, Norway.


More than 40 years of experience within sales, marketing, illustrations and graphic design. "Converted" to a full time

painting artist between 2009 and 2013.


Proud, juried member of the prestigieus NFUK, (Read More)
– a Union of Independent artists in Norway.


Full time contemporary painting artist.

Art in oil, acrylics and chinese ink, and

Owner/Manager of The Form.Gallery
in Bergen, Norway,


I vary and play with expressions and styles - completely independent of trends. As a former illustrator and graphic designer, I have the best knowledge for utilizing both tools, color and material, and it provides exciting results. This has given me a good reception in the many countries he has been exposed to:

Abroad I have had both separate and Collective exhibitions
in several Cities in the US and Italy; Collective exhibitions in Portugal, France, Sweden.In recent years, however, Taiwan has taken all my focus, where it must be said that I has had great success.

Over the past 5 years I have been a finalist 4 times in major Art-Fairs and has its own agent in Taiwan. Furthermore, I have a firm agreement with the wonderful San-Xi Art Gallery, which represents me very actively.
For three years I have been invited as participating guest at the wonderful Tsai-Mo Flower and ART International Festival under the auspices of the city of Taichung (Taiwan's second largest city).


Exhibiting in Norway 2024:

I will focus on exhibiting in The Form.Gallery this year, in addition to that, I am working with one other

exhibition in Norway. Also I will be a participant at an Art Symposium with several other artists

in Western Norway in June. More information will be added as dates and facts are settled.

By September 2019 I had agreed for the following abroad exhibitions 2020/2021:

(These arrangements have been cancelled because of The Pandemic).

Art Revolution Taipei 2020. Artfair, with my own stand, under the auspices of the San-Xi Art gallery.

Taoyuan ART Festival 2020, with my own booth,
by San-Xi Art gallery.

Tsai-Mo Flower and Art Festival 2020. A Joint exhibition organized by The City of Taichung.


I am also invited to have a solo exhibition at a wonderful Hospital University Gallery in Taiwan, in September or October 2020, under the auspices of the San-Xi Art gallery. Details not ready yet.

JunTech Art Gallery - a huge solo exhibition
in a wonderful huge Gallery in the City of Junlin.

This will be one of the largest and maybe the most important exhibitions for me.

The Chinese Ambassy in Taiwan - Separate exhibition
at the Historic/Embassy in Taiwan.




I am always aiming to keep a high quality level both in material as well as execution.


I paint in both Acrylics and oil, and define my art as Semi-Abstract. I create my own style in art, crossing borders and established styles. Not trying to be up-to-date following the todays trends too much, because to me, today

is to me a temporary situation.


I want my art to be timeless, all the way communicating with the spectators over a long time. I have learned

that owners of my art experience new things with my art after years on their wall. That is an incredible feedback motivating me more than anything else. 



Billedkunster nfuk Trygve Amundsen (Artist TA)
er utnevnt som norsk Ambassadør

for Tsai-Mo Kunstutstillinger som arrangeres

hver høst i Taichung City, Taiwan.

Utstillingene arrangeres i regi av byen Taichung, og er således en offentlig utstilling – ikke salgsutstilling.


Utstillingene har internasjonal deltagelse,og man ønsker ytterligere deltagere velkommen – gjerne fra Norge.

Medievalget er bundet, man oppfordres til å male på 100% silke. Vanlig lerret blir ikke akseptert.


For hver utstilling får man tilsendt silke i korrekt format. Det gis et felles emne, som gjerne forholder seg til natur, dyr, fisk osv. Man står fritt til tolkning av oppgaven innenfor emnet. Utstillingen holder en god standard, og er ganske populær i Taiwan.


Jeg har foreløpig deltatt og

vært tilstede ved åpningen i 4 år, og opplever både gjestfriheten, kvaliteten  på arrangementet og profesjonaliteten som helt enestående.


Ta kontakt med meg om du ønsker ytterligere informasjon.


Trygve Amundsen

Artist TA

Trygve Amundsen


Jeg arbeider stort sett daglig i mitt ateliér ved Form.Gallery, og tar veldig gjerne imot besøk om du vil komme og
hilser på.
Sjekk åpningstider her på, evt. send melding eller ring og sjekk at jeg er på plass.

© Form.Gallery, •  Østre Nesttunv.12, N-5221 Nesttun, Bergen, Norway 

Phone: +47 976 090 88  •  All Rights Reserved  • I take no responsibility for any errors or statements incl. the Blog.

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